Saturday, November 29, 2008

List of Trade Agreements of which the Philippines is a signatory- ASEAN Consultation on Trade and Investment Issues (ACT) (Description only)

The ASEAN Consultation to Solve Trade and Investment Issues (ACT) is an internet-based problem solving network for use by business operators and other agencies as a non-legal and non-binding mechanism that is able to able to expeditiously resolve operational problems encountered by the regional business community on cross-border issues related to the implementation of ASEAN agreements.


The ASEAN Consultation to Solve Trade and Investment Issues (ACT) is an internet-based problem solving network for use by business operators and other agencies as a non-legal and non-binding mechanism that is able to able to expeditiously resolve operational problems encountered by the regional business community on cross-border issues related to the implementation of ASEAN agreements.

The ACT directly links the national administrations of ASEAN Member Countries via their National AFTA Units (so-called “National ACTs”) though a shared online database overseen by the AFTA Unit of the ASEAN Secretariat.

Private individuals and businesses faced with operational problems related to a given Member Country’s implementation of an ASEAN commitment are invited to highlight these problems through the ACT.

Complaints can be lodged via the National ACT of the ASEAN Member Country in which the operator is registered. This so-called “Host ACT” will then vet the Complaint and if considered worthy of follow-up will pass the Complaint on to the National ACT of the ASEAN Member Country in which the infringement seems to have taken place (the so-called “Lead ACT”). Where the Lead ACT agrees that further investigation is required, the Complaint becomes an ACT “Case”.

Clients can monitor the progress of a given Case via the on-line ACT database. A deadline for the resolution of the Case is indicated by the database, which is also monitored by the AFTA Unit of the ASEAN Secretariat until such time as a solution has been found.

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