Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why Do Things Go Wrong

Why do things go wrong?

We rarely see people who feel happy
when they go through wrong, badsituations...
most of us, get mad, we regret...
but practicallyspeaking, it won't do good since it happened already.
but it does helpus to try better next time we face it.
or it helps us to feel bad about making mistakes,
then we prepare and make sure
we're ready toface it the next time.

Why do things go wrong?

Some people ask themselves, why do things go wrong?
Do I deserve this?
If you experience bad situations, never your fault, then,
BE HAPPYwith it! hehe
why? you know why?...because
"GOD won't give anything beyond what you can bear".
it only means that He TRUSTS you and BELIEVES in you,
SEES your potential.He stretches you out,
He brings out the best in you.

That's when God wants us to come to Him for greater strength.
Why would He give a challenge that we can do solo without Him?
He loves to show His greatness,
His Love as a Father, etc.

One of the reasons why it happens...
God draws out the bigger picture of what you can BE,
what you canHAVE, what you can DO the next time it happens.
try thinking aboutyour failure,
it just reminds you to become better next time.

FAILURE has two endings, either you QUIT or ACHIEVE.
We see ourselves, the REAL McCoy, the TRUTH about our ATTITUDE,
We begin to ask ourselves, Will I still go after I fail?
Or is it aSIGN that i just can't do it?
We begin to understand who we are.

Why do things go wrong?

Maybe, just a mere mistake of someone, or yours...
But on the other side, the reason most likely will be,
because GODallows ut to see OURSELVES
if we are quitters or achievers.

But one thing for sure, those who persevere to fulfill HIS WILL
will never end as failure.
There is always HOPE, for "HOPE is a CHOICE"....

Go on, don't let emotions drag you, pull you down,
or don't let anything put you down,
when you strongly believe that it's GOD's will, then, GO!
...If God is for you, who can then be against you!?...

Why do things go wrong?

For you to have deeper understanding and become a better person
no matter how unfair it may look.
IT's a CHOICE to win,
after failing.

Go for it.

courtesy of:

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